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Prevent Gingivitis with Your Dentist in Richmond

January 18, 2016

Filed under: general dentistry — Tags: — drway @ 7:39 pm

dentist in richmondGingivitis is a form of gum disease that causes the gums to become inflamed and irritated. When left untreated, gingivitis progresses to more advanced stages of gum disease, which can lead to loss of the tooth and even bone. Luckily, gingivitis is treatable and preventable with prompt action. At Westhampton Dentistry, we are a dentist in Richmond offering treatment and prevention for gingivitis for strong, healthy gums and teeth.

What is Gingivitis?

Gingivitis develops due to an accumulation of plaque on the teeth. The bacteria in the plaque leads to damage to the gum tissue. While anyone can get gingivitis, there are several known factors that contribute to the development of gum disease, such as poor oral hygiene, tobacco, poor nutrition, and certain medical conditions.

While more than half of adult Americans over the age of 30 are said to have this form of gum disease, many are unaware they have it. Often, gingivitis is painless, however, overtime symptoms can begin to develop. Among the most common symptoms are red, swollen and tender gums. It’s not uncommon for the gums to bleed or to slowly recede from the teeth as the disease progresses. Often, there will be persistent bad breath, and in some cases, pus can begin to develop around the infected teeth. Overtime, the teeth may begin to become loose, especially as the disease progresses.

How Can I Prevent Gingivitis?

Gingivitis requires prompt treatment because it can progress to periodontal disease, which can lead to tooth and bone loss. Thankfully, you can prevent gingivitis before it even starts with good oral hygiene. In addition to brushing and flossing regularly, it’s important to visit your Richmond dentist often to have the teeth cleaned to remove any plaque accumulation. With a good cleaning and proper home care, you’ll dramatically reduce your risk for developing gingivitis.

The key to preventing gum disease involves keeping bacteria levels in the mouth to a minimum. Although everyone has bacteria in the mouth, you should brush and floss the teeth twice a day, while using an antimicrobial toothpaste to reduce bacteria.

In addition to great oral hygiene, you need to reduce lifestyle factors that may contribute to gingivitis, such as smoking. While not all factors can be eliminated, such as medications and autoimmune diseases, you can still decrease your risk by keeping the mouth clean, which also involves keeping the tongue and cheeks clean with brushing.

Your Dentist in Richmond

You’ll need to visit your dentist in Richmond every 6 months for a regular cleaning to remove any plaque that has developed. For those who are at risk for developing gingivitis, your Richmond dentist may recommend cleanings more often. If gum disease is already present, you may need more maintenance and checkups based on your own personal oral health needs.

If you’ve already developed gum disease despite your preventative efforts, we offer periodontal treatment to help preserve your teeth while reducing the impact of gum disease. We’ll help improve your oral health with effective gum disease therapy. If you suspect gum disease, call us today to schedule an appointment.

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